Friday, July 20, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises

The highly anticipated third movie of the Dark Knight series was a disappointment. It just did not deliver. Batman seemed weak this time. Christian Bale was no good as Batman he was actually better as a more mature Bruce Wayne reclusive and brooding. Bruce was a bit more developed in this one but I needed to see more of that and I wanted anger from Bruce not depression. The real story here was the introduction of a beautiful Ann Hathaway as Cat Woman. She steals the heart of this fan. She obviously gets to Wayne as well because he lets her go but their interactions could have been a little better. I really loved Michael Caine as Alfred he nailed the role but I wanted to see more of him too. Gary Oldman as the old inspector was perfect and he made the story work but we needed more of him in it. The supporting cast was awesome but it was not enough to save this film. The depressing brooding Batman of Bale was complete disappointment for this Batman fan. The story is ok its just a rip off from the batman comics of the 1990’s but that’s ok I expected that. Batman should have been more angry at Bane as he was in the comics. Bane was exactly the sociopath that was in the comics and was well played by Tom Hardy. Bane was a scary sociopath and the background description on him was incomplete, he also should have had a long dialog or speech that he never really got. His Bane manifesto or something, but I think Bane has never done that, and it leaves the audience wondering why is Bane like this.  What was the origin of Bane? The story screamed for it. This was a big hole in the plot for this fan. Also lacking was the Super villain or villains who usually control Bane because of course the real Batman fans know Bane was always controlled and needed to be controlled by someone like the Joker, but Bane almost always went out of control. He really represents total anarchy. He was completely loose in this one that says something I think.
The sound quality is not something we usually think about until its bad and that is another bad thing about this movie its way too loud all through it, and no decent music either. So two thumbs down on sound and music. The special effects were very cool and well done I must say first rate quality, but they were not used well in the story. When the football stadium exploded it was pretty cool.
Post Audio and Music and Digital Photo Effects are my specialties.
My question to the audio guys is did it really need to be so loud guys? You know louder is not better its just louder. Sometimes less is more.
I seriously recommend wearing hearing protection, it must be in the harmful range well over 80 decibels and rather constant noise with few words.
Go and see it if you are a desperate Batman fan but only at matinée price or a rental later. Its not worth admission price. You are better off watching the 08 version of the Dark Knight at least Heath Ledger was a villain we could understand and it was a better Batman.
Over all I give it a thumbs up if you love Batman, and my rating is a 2 stars it was kind of average actually.
I am not going to talk about the fake political crap about the film or the tragedy in Aura Co except to say my condolences go out to all the Batman fans and their families.